Scrapbook 3: "Galling" experience

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“Galling” experience

Mr. DE FERRANTI (C., Morecambe and Lonsdale) said that we obviously could not afford a large space programme, but how galling it had been to sit up on the last two evenings to watch the Telstar project and know that, except for our receiver at Goonhilly, the Americans had done it all.

What a pity that we could not have been the pioneers as we always used to be. What we could do was to form international groupings which would enable us to be in the lead with these most important developments.

Mr. ALBU (Lab., Edmonton) said the great need for industry to-day was innovation. There should be new products and processes.

Suggesting the setting up of a committee to consider what was required in scientific research, Mr. Albu said the Treasury was not a suitable body to plan scientific expenditure.

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