Scrapbook 3: Satellite Link Practical

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Earth satellites had been proved practical as a Commonwealth radio link, the Commonwealth Telecommunications Board says in its 11th report published to-day. The experimental ground station at Goonhilly, Cornwall, had already given convincing proof of this, working with Telstar.

Cyprus, Nigeria and Malaya had accepted invitations to appoint members to the board, and Ghana and Singapore had said they would do so. This would increase the number of governments in the Commonwealth telecommunication partnership from seven to 12.

Telephone traffic over the Commonwealth telecommunications system increased by 13 per cent. in the 12 months ended in March this year. Telax traffic was up by 7.6 per cent., and telegraph traffic by 1.5 per cent.

The South East Asia section of the comprehensive cable system was to be constructed soon by a partnership comprising Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malaya and Singapore. There would be a cable from Australia to Singapore through New Guinea and North Borneo, and a cable from North Borneo to Hongkong.

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